Cancer defeated at last, See wonder of Pineapple - Global Quest Magazine



Monday, September 12, 2022

Cancer defeated at last, See wonder of Pineapple

Balogun Ajoke
Pineapple as class of fruits work wonders  in very hot water and can  save your life if you follow this procedure
 to kill cancer cells in your body
Cut tiny slice of 2 to 3 pieces of pineapple in a cup and add hot water, it will be "alkaline water", if you drink it daily, it is good for everyone.ọ
 Hot pineapple releases anti-cancer substances, the latest advancement in medicine for effective cancer treatment.  

The warm fruit of pineapple has the effect of killing cysts and tumors.  It has been proven to cure all types of cancer.
 Pineapple hot water clears all the germs and toxins from the body due to allergies/allergies.
 A drug derived from pineapple juice only destroys *violent cells* and does not affect healthy cells.
 Also, the amino acids and pineapple polyphenols in pineapple juice can control high blood pressure, prevent blockage of internal blood vessels, improve blood circulation and reduce blood clotting.
After reading, tell others, share with family, friends, take care of your health.

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