Securing Yoruba communities Should Be Our Upmost Priority-Adesope - Global Quest Magazine



Saturday, March 12, 2022

Securing Yoruba communities Should Be Our Upmost Priority-Adesope

By Laide Gold
Members of Oodua people's Congress Reformed, under leadership of Ambassador Dare Adesope felicitates with Sunday Adeyemo also known as Sunday Igboho on his release from Benin prison.

According to Adesope, though the release is based on health issue,but Igboho is set to enjoy his freedom beyond the prison box.

However, Adesope made it known why he centered his mind on one thing from the time immemorial and that is securing yoruba communities "

Explaining further, Adesope said the reason his group held on to securing yoruba communities goes beyond just having a new nation but a very peaceful one. Though Yoruba Nation is necessary but saving its states from enemies within and outside is more paramount, he said, aside the enemy within,yoruba still to tackle enemy beyond its territories,especially fulani herdsmen.

A new nation is very much achievable by doing the needful and this simply means that we have to go back to the drawing board. Security of the lives and property of our people is of utmost importance to us, that is why we have our ears on the ground sniffing for intelligence reports and we act speedily on every intelligent information.

The OPC(R) boss said, some particular  tribe migrate into yoruba communities daily and causing great danger to lives and property, those causing unrest in yoruba communities should be our area of interest for now, we must team up to bring them to book and no law will nail whoever defend himself from enemies.Also, our people who are engaging in human rituals must be dealt with including their herbalists.

"My group, OPC(R) of over hundred thousand members all over and beyond Nigeria wall have set their mind on security and have been performing wonderfully well in that field.

In conclusion i want to call the attention of our south west governors, even the within the yoruba communities to encourage group like mine by supporting them, "We are doing a great deal of job but we also need support from our southern  governors, we are very close to our people, we have members  in different zones that know every corner of their area like the back of their palm, we can fish out a thief even by looking at him".

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