EKWENSU! How Igbo Land Fell For British Deceit - Global Quest Magazine



Thursday, November 25, 2021

EKWENSU! How Igbo Land Fell For British Deceit

By, Laide Gold
In the past, the Igbo tribe had a formidable military force equipped with local armor and magical charms to repel any invaders.

During the conquest of the African continent by European colonial masters, the Igbos fought back against the British armies for several years.

After attempting to defeat and conquer Igbo land with their advanced firearms and various tactics, the British government lost a large number of troops.

After a few years of wars, they (the British) went underground to study how the Igbos combat their soldiers.

They discovered that the Igbos have a plethora of deities who perform miracles for them, one of whom is " Ekwensu, " the god of war, who has been protecting and fighting for them.
At the conclusion of their lengthy review. Before fighting the Igbo troops, the British devised a new plan to destroy the Ekwensu.

After a while, they (British) returned as missionaries to Igbo land and demonized Ekwensu, forcing the Igbos to destroy it. This is how they defeated the Igbos and took over their land, colonizing them with others.

With so many tricks and abilities, Ekwensu was regarded as the " Father of Sorcery. " Even in battle, it is cunning, and it also plays and laughs a lot. Due to his massive vengeance capacity, Ekwensu was highly regarded, feared, and avoided at all times.

In morden religion, it is an evil spirit that is known as a ghost. He does not, however, cause pain or trouble to the citizens who summoned him to fight for them.

In Igbo territory, however, Ekwensu as a demi god has a very dangerous negative impact.

It serves whoever he has in his hands, regardless of whether or not the individual is doing something good or bad.

People who have it or are in possession of it commit evil actions against Chukwu (God) and humanity.

Some chief priests in Igbo land wield the power of Ekwensu and use it to commit evil actions in the Igbo land.

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